Rashmi Ramesh is a Dancer and Yogini who has been teaching and practising for over a decade. With her training in Dance, Yoga and Pilates, Rashmi started teaching ‘Yogalates’, which incorporates the best from both Yoga and Pilates.
She has her own YouTube channel, ‘Yogalates with Rashmi’ through which thousands of people around the world follow her journey and practice along with her every day. When not in lockdown mode, Rashmi loves to travel, hike and dive.
Q1) How long have you been practicing yoga?
A: I have been practising Yoga for over 15 years.
Q2) Did someone inspire you to start your yoga journey?
A: Yes! My mother inspired me to start. I started practising with her at home. We would get on our mats in the morning and I would follow along with her.
Q3) What is yoga to you? What changes have you observed in your body/mind after your many years of yoga practice?
A: Yoga to me is all about breaking barriers and self-acceptance. The physical practice of asanas gives us good strength, endurance and flexibility but we sometimes miss the subtleness of what it leaves us with mentally.
So many times I have had this “light bulb” moment on my mat of things I did not think I was capable of doing but eventually was able to do. Or, days when I realise my limitations and find ways to overcome them without pushing or trying too hard but just by bringing myself to my mat every day.
Q4) What are the common myths that people have about yoga?
A: People think yoga is too easy, boring or slow. Some think it's only about doing asanas. Trust me, it’s a lot more than that and the more you learn, the more you will understand how important it is for us to find that alignment with our body, breath and mind not just for good health but also so that we stay connected with ourselves and the world around us.
Q5) What are the multiple benefits of practicing yoga?
A: A Yoga asana practice is great to improve blood circulation in the body, improve heart function, and strengthen the lungs. It helps to de-stress and also works on improving focus and concentration. Unlike other forms of exercises, a lot of emphasis is given to breathing (pranayama) and relaxation during yoga practice to improve immunity and overall balance.
Q6) Do you think yoga is more for the mind than the body?
A: I don’t think it's fair to make a comparison like that. The body is something that you can see and feel and is more relatable to most, which is why it usually starts with a more physical attribute. Some say I want to lose weight, some say I want to be able to do the headstand, etc. However, when it comes to yoga, it’s more than just that. Yoga practice has the potential to help you align your body, breath and mind.
So for example, if I have been trying to do the headstand which is very physical, I now also start to notice my breathing while I am practising the pose to ensure that it is allowing me to optimise my energy and compose myself. I notice my mind and thoughts, however, initially, I would be scared to be upside down, but that fear has now changed to acceptance and self-belief.
Yoga is also not something you do just on your mat, you also practice off your mat, which is why there are so many different types of yoga. Bhakti Yoga is that of devotion. Karma Yoga is that of selfless service. So it's so much more than just compartmentalising it into body and mind.
Q7) What would you like to tell our readers on why they should start practicing yoga if they haven’t already?
A: I once went to a gym where I worked out with this person who looked super fit with a very muscular body. I convinced him to attend a yoga session post weightlifting and his body was just too rigid and stiff. It took a lot of convincing to try a yoga session. He thought it would be too easy for him, too mellow but the truth is he struggled to get even one Surya Namaskar done right.
There is a saying, “a flexible body equals a flexible mind.” So, I would say don’t be rigid in your thoughts. Unless you experience something, don’t go ahead and make assumptions about how the experience will be. Once you have the right experience with a good teacher or good practice, trust me you will be addicted.
Q8) Lastly, what do you suggest should people wear while practicing yoga or yogalates?
A: I get asked this question very often. Honestly, it depends from person to person. Some prefer to wear Athleisure clothing, some prefer cotton. So it's a very personal choice if you ask me. Wear what is comfortable, something that feels like a second skin, something you can stretch in and does not restrict your movements. I personally prefer cotton tees with cotton shorts give the best range of motion.